- Dec 2, 2024: Our paper titled "Shared Autonomy for Proximal Teaching" got accepted to the International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) 2025!
- Sep 28, 2024: Our 6 papers got accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024:
- FlowRetrieval: Flow-Guided Data Retrieval for Few-Shot Imitation Learning - Vocal Sandbox: Continual Learning and Adaptation for Situated Human-Robot Collaboration (Oral) - So You Think You Can Scale Up Autonomous Robot Data Collection? - RT-Sketch: Goal-Conditioned Imitation Learning from Hand-Drawn Sketches (Oral) - Re-Mix: Optimizing Data Mixtures for Large Scale Imitation Learning (Outstanding paper award (finalist), Oral) - OpenVLA: An Open-Source Vision-Language-Action Model (Outstanding paper award (finalist))
- May 13, 2024: Our 8 papers got accepted to the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2024:
- Efficient Data Collection for Robotic Manipulation via Compositional Generalization - Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning - Explore until Confident: Efficient Exploration for Embodied Question Answering - RT-H: Action Hierarchies Using Language - Pushing the Limits of Cross-Embodiment Learning for Manipulation and Navigation - DROID: A Large-Scale In-The-Wild Robot Manipulation Dataset - Octo: An Open-Source Generalist Robot Policy - Learning to Learn Faster from Human Feedback with Language Model Predictive Control
- May 1, 2024: Our 2 papers got accepted to the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024:
- Prismatic VLMs: Investigating the Design Space of Visually-Conditioned Language Models - Chain of Code: Reasoning with a Language Model-Augmented Code Emulator
- Feb 15, 2024: Our 5 papers got accepted to the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024:
- Physically Grounded Vision-Language Models for Robotic Manipulation - Toward Grounded Commonsense Reasoning - Distilling and Retrieving Generalizable Knowledge for Robot Manipulation via Language Corrections - How to Prompt Your Robot: A Prompt Book for Manipulation Skills with Code as Policies - Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models
- Jan 30, 2024: Our paper titled "Contrastive Preference Learning: Learning from Human Feedback without RL" got accepted to the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024!
- Sep 21, 2023: Our 4 papers got accepted to the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023:
- Parallel Sampling of Diffusion Models (Spotlight) - Diverse Conventions for Human-AI Collaboration - Data Quality in Imitation Learning - Inverse Preference Learning: Preference-based RL without a Reward Function
- Aug 30, 2023: Our 7 papers got accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2023:
- Stabilize to Act: Learning to Coordinate for Bimanual Manipulation (Oral) - HYDRA: Hybrid Robot Actions for Imitation Learning - Learning Sequential Acquisition Policies for Robot-Assisted Feeding - Gesture-Informed Robot Assistance via Foundation Model - KITE: Keypoint-Conditioned Policies for Semantic Manipulation - Large Language Models as General Pattern Machines - Polybot: Training One Policy Across Robots While Embracing Variability
- Apr 24, 2023: Our 4 papers got accepted to the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023:
- "Language Instructed Reinforcement Learning for Human-AI Coordination" - "Generating Language Corrections for Teaching Physical Control Tasks" - "Distance Weighted Supervised Learning: Robust Learning From Offline Interaction Data" - "Long Horizon Temperature Scaling"
- Apr 24, 2023: Our 2 papers got accepted to the Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2023:
- "Behavior Retrieval: Few-Shot Imitation Learning by Querying Unlabeled Datasets" - "Language-Driven Representation Learning for Robotics"
- Jan 30, 2023: Our paper titled "Reward Design with Language Models" got accepted to the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)!
- Jan 30, 2023: Our 3 papers got accepted to the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023:
- "In-Mouth Robotic Bite Transfer with Visual and Haptic Sensing" - "Learning Tool Morphology for Contact-Rich Manipulation Tasks with Differentiable Simulation" - "Active Reward Learning from Online Preferences"
- Sep 15, 2022: Our 2 papers got accepted to the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022:
- "Assistive Teaching of Motor Control Tasks to Humans" - "Training and Inference on Any-Order Autoregressive Models the Right Way"
- Sep 12, 2022: Our 5 papers got accepted to the 6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2022:
- "Learning Visuo-Haptic Skewering Strategies for Robot-Assisted Feeding" - "Few-Shot Preference Learning for Human-in-the-Loop RL" - "Eliciting Compatible Demonstrations for Multi-Human Imitation Learning" - "Learning Bimanual Scooping Policies for Food Acquisition" - "PLATO: Predicting Latent Affordances Through Object-Centric Play"
- May 15, 2022: Our paper titled "Imitation Learning by Estimating Expertise of Demonstrators" got accepted to the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)!
- Jan 31, 2022: Our 4 papers got accepted to the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022:
- "Balancing Efficiency and Comfort in Robot-Assisted Bite Transfer" - "Learning from Imperfect Demonstrations via Adversarial Confidence Transfer" - "Weakly Supervised Correspondence Learning" - "Leveraging Smooth Attention Prior for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction"
- Jan 6, 2022: Our 2 papers got accepted to the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI):
- "APReL: A Library for Active Preference-based Reward Learning Algorithms" by Biyik et al. - "Conditional Imitation Learning for Multi-Agent Games" by Shih et al.
- Dec 16, 2021: Our 2 papers got accepted to the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence:
- "PantheonRL: A MARL Library for Dynamic Training Interactions" by Sarkar et al. - "Partner-Aware Algorithms in Decentralized Cooperative Bandit Teams" by Biyik et al.
- Sep 28, 2021: Our paper titled "ELLA: Exploration through Learned Language Abstraction" got accepted to the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)!
- Sep 28, 2021: Our paper titled "Confidence-Aware Imitation Learning from Demonstrations with Varying Optimality" got accepted to the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)!
- Sep 28, 2021: Our paper titled "HyperSPNs: Compact and Expressive Probabilistic Circuits" got accepted to the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)!
- Sep 13, 2021: Our paper titled "LILA: Language-Informed Latent Actions" got accepted to the 5th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)!
- Sep 13, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning Multimodal Rewards from Rankings" got accepted to the 5th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)!
- Sep 13, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning Reward Functions from Scale Feedback" got accepted to the 5th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)!
- Sep 13, 2021: Our paper titled "Influencing Towards Stable Multi-Agent Interactions" got accepted to the 5th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)!
- Sep 13, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning Feasibility to Imitate Demonstrators with Different Dynamics" got accepted to the 5th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)!
- Sep 9, 2021: Our 2 papers got accepted at the Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI) at AAAI Fall Symposium Series:
- "Partner-Aware Algorithms in Decentralized Cooperative Bandit Teams" by Biyik et al. - "APReL: A Library for Active Preference-based Reward Learning Algorithms" by Biyik et al.
- Aug 26, 2021: Our paper titled "Open-domain clarification question generation without question examples" got accepted to Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)!
- Aug 26, 2021: Our paper titled "Influencing Leading and Following in Human-Robot Teams" got accepted to Journal of Autonomous Robots (AURO)!
- Aug 15, 2021: We have released our Python library APReL, which unifies active preference-based reward learning algorithms.
- Aug 4, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning Reward Functions from Diverse Sources of Human Feedback: Optimally Integrating Demonstrations and Preferences" got accepted to The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)!
- Jul 9, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning How to Dynamically Route Autonomous Vehicles on Shared Roads" got accepted to Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (TR_C)!
- Jul 6, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning Latent Actions to Control Assistive Robots" got accepted to the Journal of Autonomous Robots (AURO)!
- Jun 30, 2021: Our paper titled "Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles that Sympathize with Human Drivers" got accepted to the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)!
- Jun 15, 2021: Our paper titled "Targeted Data Acquisition for Evolving Negotiation Agents" got accepted to the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)!
- May 18, 2021: Our paper titled "Emergent Prosociality in Multi-Agent Games Through Gifting" got accepted to the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)!
- May 5, 2021: Our paper titled "Incentivizing Efficient Equilibria in Traffic Networks with Mixed Autonomy" got accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS)!
- May 4, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning Visually Guided Latent Actions for Assistive Teleoperation" got accepted to the 3rd Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference (L4DC)!
- Apr 28, 2021: We posted our new blogpost "On the Critical Role of Conventions in Adaptive Human-AI Collaboration".
- Mar 10, 2021: Our paper titled "Learning from Imperfect Demonstrations from Agents with Varying Dynamics" got accepted to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)!
- Feb 28, 2020: Our 2 papers got accepted at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2021 (ICRA):
- "Learning Human Objectives from Sequences of Physical Corrections" by Li et al. - "ROIAL: Region of Interest Active Learning for Characterizing Exoskeleton Gait Preference Landscapes" by Li et al.
- Feb 11, 2021: Our paper titled "Transfer Reinforcement Learning across Homotopy Classes" got accepted to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)!
- Jan 13, 2021: Our paper titled "On the Critical Role of Conventions in Adaptive Human-AI Collaboration" got accepted at the 9th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)!
- Dec 23, 2020: Our paper titled "Incentivizing Routing Choices for Safe and Efficient Transportation in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic" got accepted at the 12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)!
- Nov 19, 2020: We are organizing Bay Area Robotics Symposium (BARS) 2020 together with Mark Mueller. It will be on November 20. Live stream and more details are on the event web site: https://bars2020.github.io/.
- Nov 19, 2020: Dorsa gave a keynote talk at the 4th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) on "Walking the Boundary of Learning and Interaction". See her talk here.
- Nov 19, 2020: Check Stanford HAI's blog post about our reserch on "Learning Latent Representations to Influence Multi-Agent Interaction" here.
- Nov 18, 2020: Our paper titled "Learning Latent Representations to Influence Multi-Agent Interaction" has won the best paper award at CoRL 2020! The award committee noted "a compelling solution to a difficult problem demonstrated on multiple domains including a competitive physical robot environment".
- Nov 17, 2020: We posted our new blogpost on "Learning to Influence Multi-Agent Interaction".
- Nov 13, 2020: MIT Technology Review compiled a story about our work "Learning Latent Representations to Influence Multi-Agent Interaction". Check it out here!
- Oct 20, 2020: Check Stanford HAI's blog post about our assistive feeding project here.
- Oct 14, 2020: Our paper titled "Learning Latent Representations to Influence Multi-Agent Interaction" got accepted at the 4th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)!
- Oct 8, 2020: Dorsa is giving a talk on "Interaction-Aware Planning: A Human-Centered Approach toward Autonomous Driving " at the IPAM Workshop on Individual Vehicle Autonomy: Perception and Control on October 8.
- Oct 6, 2020: Our paper titled "BLEU Neighbors: A Reference-less Approach to Automatic Evaluation" got accepted at the 1st Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison for NLP systems (Eval4NLP)!
- Oct 2, 2020: Dorsa has been awarded the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCCPS) Early Career Award "for contributions to the theory, design, and implementation of human cyber-physical systems."
- Sep 29, 2020: Our paper titled "Learning Adaptive Language Interfaces through Decomposition" got accepted at the First Workshop on Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing @ EMNLP 2020!
- Sep 22, 2020: Our paper titled "Continual Adaptation for Efficient Machine Communication" got accepted at the 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2020)!
- Aug 12, 2020: Our 2 papers got accepted at IROS 2020:
- "Learning User-Preferred Mappings for Intuitive Robot Control" by Li et al. - "Multi-Agent Safe Planning with Gaussian Processes" by Zhu et al.
- Jul 14, 2020: Our paper titled "Shared Autonomy with Learned Latent Actions" has been nominated for best student paper award at RSS 2020!
- Jul 13, 2020: The recordings of our RSS 2020 workshop on "Emergent Behaviors in Human-Robot Systems" are available on YouTube.
- Jul 7, 2020: Dorsa is giving a talk on "Active Learning of Robot Reward Functions" at the ICML 2020 Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning on July 18.
- Jul 7, 2020: Dorsa is giving talks at three RSS 2020 workshops on July 13:
- On "The Role of Learned Representations in Assistive Teleoperation" at AI & Its Alternatives in Assistive & Collaborative Robotics: Decoding Intent - On "When Our Human Modeling Assumptions Fail" at Interaction and Decision-Making in Autonomous-Driving - On "To Ignore Humans or to Accept them with Open Arms: Challenges and Opportunities for Efficient, Robust, and Adaptive POGO Robots" at Power On and Go Robots
- Jun 25, 2020: Check our IJRR submission about learning reward functions by optimally combining demonstration and preference data on arXiv.
- Jun 22, 2020: Our talks at RSS 2020 are available on YouTube now:
- "Active Preference-Based Gaussian Process Regression for Reward Learning" by Biyik et al.: Video - "Reinforcement Learning based Control of Imitative Policies for Near-Accident Driving" by Cao et al.: Video - "Shared Autonomy with Learned Latent Actions" by Jeon et al.: Video - "Dynamic Multi-Robot Task Allocation under Uncertainty and Temporal Constraints" by Choudhury et al.: Video
- Jun 8, 2020: Dorsa is giving a plenary talk titled "Formalizing Human-Robot Interactions through the Lens of Learning and Control" at CHAI (the Center for Human-Compatible AI) 2020 Annual Workshop on June 8.
- Jun 1, 2020: Dorsa is giving a talk titled "When our Human Modeling Assumptions Fail: The effects of risk, conventions, and non-stationarity on long-term human-robot interaction" at 2nd Workshop on Long-term Human Motion Prediction at ICRA 2020 on June 2.
- May 28, 2020: Dylan is giving a talk titled "Personalizing robots through learned latent actions" at Workshop on Interactive Robot Learning at ICRA 2020 on June 5. Recording is available on YouTube.
- May 7, 2020: Dorsa is giving talks at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory on May 7, and at the NASA Formal Methods Conference (NFM) AI Safety Workshop on May 11.
- May 6, 2020: Our 4 papers got accepted at RSS 2020:
- "Active Preference-Based Gaussian Process Regression for Reward Learning" by Biyik et al. - "Reinforcement Learning based Control of Imitative Policies for Near-Accident Driving" by Cao et al. - "Shared Autonomy with Learned Latent Actions" by Jeon et al. - "Dynamic Multi-Robot Task Allocation under Uncertainty and Temporal Constraints" by Choudhury et al.
- Apr 28, 2020: Check our preprint about a reference-less approach to automatic evaluation in natural language processing on arXiv.
- Apr 24, 2020: Dorsa's keynote talk at HSCC 2020 is publicly available on YouTube.
- Apr 20, 2020: Dorsa is giving a keynote talk at 23rd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) on April 23.
- Apr 7, 2020: Our paper titled "When Humans Aren't Optimal: Robots that Collaborate with Risk-Aware Humans" got honorable mention award at HRI 2020!
- Apr 7, 2020: Our paper titled "Fitting a Linear Control Policy to Demonstrations with a Kalman Constraint" got accepted at 2nd L4DC conference!
- Mar 28, 2020: Check Minae's talk at HRI 2020 on "When Humans Aren't Optimal: Robots that Collaborate with Risk-Aware Humans" here!
- Mar 19, 2020: We posted our new blogpost on "When Humans Aren't Optimal: Robots that Collaborate with Risk-Aware Humans".
- Mar 6, 2020: We are organizing a workshop on "Emergent Behaviors in Human-Robot Systems" at RSS 2020! Check it out here for more details and the call for posters.
- Feb 27, 2020: Check Dorsa's talk at IPAM Intersections between Control, Learning and Optimization workshop on February 27 here!
- Feb 13, 2020: Dorsa has been awarded Gilbreth Lecturer at National Academy of Engineering Award. She is giving NAE Gilbreth Lecture on February 13.
- Jan 22, 2020: Our paper titled "Controlling Assistive Robots with Learned Latent Actions" got accepted at ICRA 2020!
- Jan 22, 2020: Dorsa has been awarded an NSF Career Award!
- Jan 16, 2020: Our paper titled "Exchangeable Input Representations for Reinforcement Learning" got accepted at ACC 2020!
- Dec 10, 2019: Erdem will be giving an oral presentation at CDC 2019 on "The Green Choice: Learning and Influencing Human Decisions on Shared Roads"!
- Dec 1, 2019: Our paper titled "When Humans Aren't Optimal: Robots that Collaborate with Risk-Aware Humans" got accepted at HRI 2020!
- Nov 12, 2019: We posted our new blogpost on "Controlling Assistive Robots with Learned Latent Actions".
- Oct 28, 2019: We posted our new blogpost on "Learning from My Partner's Actions: Roles in Decentralized Robot Teams".
- Oct 24, 2019: TechXplore compiled a story about our work "Asking Easy Questions: A User-Friendly Approach to Active Reward Learning". Check it out here!
- Oct 23, 2019: Dorsa is giving a keynote talk at Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design 2019 (FMCAD) on October 23.
- Sep 20, 2019: Check our R-AL submission about controlling assistive robots on arXiv.
- Sep 11, 2019: Our papers titled "Asking Easy Questions: A User-Friendly Approach to Active Reward Learning", and "Learning from My Partner's Actions: Roles in Decentralized Robot Teams" got accepted at CoRL 2019!
- Sep 10, 2019: Check our preprint about learning dynamic routing of autonomous cars to decrease traffic congestion on arXiv.
- Jul 19, 2019: Our paper titled "The Green Choice: Learning and Influencing Human Decisions on Shared Roads" got accepted at CDC 2019!
- Jul 18, 2019: Our papers titled "Active Learning of Reward Dynamics from Hierarchical Queries", and "Robots that Take Advantage of Human Trust" got accepted at IROS 2019!
- Jul 10, 2019: Erdem will be giving an oral presentation at ACC 2019 on "Efficient and Safe Exploration in Deterministic Markov Decision Processes with Unknown Transition Models"!
- Jun 25, 2019: Stanford News compiled a story about our work on "Learning Reward Functions by Integrating Human Demonstrations and Preferences". Check it out here!
- Jun 25, 2019: We posted our new blogpost on "Influencing Leading and Following in Human-Robot Teams".
- Jun 24, 2019: We posted our new blogpost on "Learning Reward Functions by Integrating Human Demonstrations and Preferences".
- Jun 19, 2019: Check our preprint about batch-mode active learning on arXiv.
- Jun 7, 2019: Check Dorsa"s talk on "Influencing Interactive Mixed-Autonomy Systems" at Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC) on YouTube.
- Jun 7, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk at the ICML Workshop on AI for Autonomous Driving on June 15.
- Jun 7, 2019: Tianhe will be presenting a poster on "Unsupervised Visuomotor Control through Distributional Planning Networks" at ICML Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning and at ICML Workshop on Imitation, Intent, and Interaction (I3).
- Jun 7, 2019: Minae will be giving a talk on "Continual Adaptation for Efficient Machine Communication" at ICML Workshop on Adaptive & Multitask Learning: Algorithms & Systems on June 15.
- May 31, 2019: Minae and Mengxi won the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2019 of North America!
- May 12, 2019: Check our AAMAS 2019 publication titled "Object Exchangeability in Reinforcement Learning" on arXiv.
- May 8, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk at Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC) at MIT.
- May 8, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk at The Simons Symposium on New Directions in Theoretical Machine Learning at Krün, Germany.
- Apr 30, 2019: Our papers titled "Unsupervised Visuomotor Control through Distributional Planning Networks", "Learning Reward Functions by Integrating Human Demonstrations and Preferences", and "Influencing Leading and Following in Human-Robot Teams" got accepted at RSS 2019!
- Apr 8, 2019: Check our CDC 2019 submission about mixed-autonomy traffic on arXiv.
- Mar 30, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk on "Interactive Autonomy" at University of Washington on April 23.
- Mar 30, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk on "Interactive Autonomy" at MIT on April 8.
- Mar 15, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk on "Interactive Autonomy" at Cornell University on March 28.
- Mar 7, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk at the "Augmenting Human Capabilities" session of 2019 Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) Symposium! Erdem will have a poster presentation at the same event on "Batch-Active Learning and Its Applications to Human-Robot Interaction"!
- Mar 6, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk on "Interactive Autonomy" at Caltech on March 12.
- Mar 6, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk on "Interactive Autonomy" at Cyber-Physical Systems Seminar at University of Southern California on March 6.
- Jan 27, 2019: Our paper titled "Efficient and Safe Exploration in Deterministic Markov Decision Processes with Unknown Transition Models" got accepted at ACC 2019!
- Jan 27, 2019: Our papers titled "Deep Local Trajectory Replanning and Control for Robot Navigation", and "Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Planning for Autonomous Vehicles" got accepted at ICRA 2019!
- Jan 16, 2019: Dorsa will be giving a talk at 3rd Annual TRI Joint University Workshop on "Interaction-Aware Control for Cars that Anticipate and Explain Complex Environments"! Erdem will have a poster presentation at the same event on "Batch-Active Preference-Based Learning of Reward Functions"!
- Dec 1, 2018: Daniel will be giving an oral presentation at CDC 2018 on "Maximizing Road Capacity Using Cars that Influence People"!
- Dec 1, 2018: Dorsa will be giving an oral presentation at CPHS 2018 on "Verifying Robustness of Human-Aware Autonomous Cars"!
- Dec 1, 2018: Daniel will be giving an oral presentation at WAFR 2018 on "Altruistic Autonomy: Beating Congestion on Shared Roads"!
- Dec 1, 2018: Dorsa will be giving talks at NeurIPS Workshop on Imitation Learning and its Challenges in Robotics on Dec 8th, and at NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems On Dec 7th.
- Nov 26, 2018: We posted our new blogpost on "Altruistic Autonomy: Beating Congestion on Shared Roads".
- Oct 24, 2018: Erdem will be giving an oral presentation at CoRL 2018 on "Batch Active Preference-Based Learning of Reward Functions"!
- Oct 13, 2018: Check our ICRA 2019 submission on arXiv.
- Oct 10, 2018: Check our CoRL 2018 paper on arXiv.
- Oct 5, 2018: We posted our new blogpost on "Batch-Active Preference-Based Learning of Reward Functions".
- Oct 5, 2018: We have built our new website!
- Sep 5, 2018: Our paper titled "Altruistic Autonomy: Beating Congestion on Shared Roads" got accepted at WAFR 2018!
- Sep 1, 2018: Our paper titled "Batch Active Preference-Based Learning of Reward Functions" got accepted at CoRL 2018!